Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Ancient OlmecPlease list the main geographical landmarks (rivers, mountains, etc.) of this region and briefly describe how each could have helped or hindered the Olmecs.
Layers to have turned on: Wikipedia & Panoramio under the Geographic Web layer

Within placemarker description:

-image of an Olmec mask

-link to wikipedia page about the Olmecs

2. Ancient EgyptWhat was the main geographical feature of Ancient Egypt? Use the wiki-links and pictures to find out why it was important and how the ancient Egyptians used it.
Layers to have turned on: Wikipedia & Panoramio & Borders under the Borders & Labels layer.

-Panoramio images; wiki links

Within placemarker description:

-image of the Nile

-links to kid website about the Nile.

3. Ancient MesopotamiaBriefly describe the geography of the region of Mesopotamia. Look at the links below and describe why Mesopotamia is called the Fertile Crescent and how the Mesopotamians used their resources and inventions to survive.Layers to have turned on: Wikipedia & Panoramio.

Within placemarker description:

-image of a Mesopotamian mural

-links to kids' websites about Mesopotamia

4. Ancient ChinaWhy is China’s geography compared to a staircase with three steps? Name and describe those steps.
Layers to have turned on: Terrain, Wikipedia & Panoramio under Geographic Web layer & Borders, Labels, and Country Names under the Borders & Labels layer.

Within placemarker description:

-image of painting of Chinese landscape

-link to kid website about Ancient China's geography

Details of image overlay / path / polygon:Image overlays will be used to outline the regions of Mesopotamia, Olmec, and Egypt.


  1. It looks like your virtual tour will be a hit. Your students will love it. Good job!

    Andie Hansen

  2. I just went through your ancient world tour and really enjoyed it. The pictures were a great addition, and it seems like you definitely have a good understanding of google earth and how to create tours. I liked going from China to Egypt and enjoyed finding similarities between all 4 locations. Great job!
