And here are my TPACK answers:
What is the content you’ll be using in your lesson?
The content is based on Utah's 6th grade Language Arts Standard 1, Objective 2, indicator 2, which involves developing language through presenting media.
What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?
My pedagogy is a mini documentary writing project on how people become rock climbers. This is an excellent fit with the content because creating a documentary involves quite a bit of language development as students become familiar with all sorts of technical jargon. They will also be presenting this media, so that also covers the indicator of Standard 1, Objective 2.
What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
I will be using PhotoStory to put together the documentary. This is a good fit with the content because it is a specific way in which the students will get to present the documentary. It also fits well with the pedagogy because many movies are based on documentaries, and students will get to have some real application of making a documentary by actually turning it into a movie.
Mary - this doesn't meet the criteria of posting your storyboard. Please post up the storyboard that you used to plan your digital story. The storyboard is an important step that you will use if you have children create their own digital stories.