Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Virtual Tour TPACK

What is the content you’ll be using in your lesson?
6th Grade Social Studies Utah Standard 1, Objective 1:
a. Identify the major physical features of the regions where ancient civilizations flourished.
b. Describe how these features influenced the success or decline of the civilizations.

What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?
I will have my students use their observation skills as they follow my instructions for describing the geography of my four locations. They will also be using their writing skills as they are required to list, describe, or explain certain geographical features. They will also be required to make inferences from research they find, such as coming to conclusions about how certain geographical features helped or hindered certain civilizations. This is an excellent fit with my content, because it helps my students thoroughly explore the first two indicators of Objective 1--they must identfiy physical features through observation and exploring the links and they must describe as they read the content in the links and write about their conclusions.

What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
I will be using Google Earth, as well as all kinds of links and images within Google Earth, for my students to explore. This is a great fit with the content and pedagogy because it gives my students the opportunity to explore first-hand what these civilizations looked like. The links give them a chance to do their own research and find answers to questions about how these civilizations survived. The technology gives my students the chance to really do social studies, which I believe will help them be more engaged and motivated in the pedagogy skills and content.

Virtual Tour Plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Ancient OlmecPlease list the main geographical landmarks (rivers, mountains, etc.) of this region and briefly describe how each could have helped or hindered the Olmecs.
Layers to have turned on: Wikipedia & Panoramio under the Geographic Web layer

Within placemarker description:

-image of an Olmec mask

-link to wikipedia page about the Olmecs

2. Ancient EgyptWhat was the main geographical feature of Ancient Egypt? Use the wiki-links and pictures to find out why it was important and how the ancient Egyptians used it.
Layers to have turned on: Wikipedia & Panoramio & Borders under the Borders & Labels layer.

-Panoramio images; wiki links

Within placemarker description:

-image of the Nile

-links to kid website about the Nile.

3. Ancient MesopotamiaBriefly describe the geography of the region of Mesopotamia. Look at the links below and describe why Mesopotamia is called the Fertile Crescent and how the Mesopotamians used their resources and inventions to survive.Layers to have turned on: Wikipedia & Panoramio.

Within placemarker description:

-image of a Mesopotamian mural

-links to kids' websites about Mesopotamia

4. Ancient ChinaWhy is China’s geography compared to a staircase with three steps? Name and describe those steps.
Layers to have turned on: Terrain, Wikipedia & Panoramio under Geographic Web layer & Borders, Labels, and Country Names under the Borders & Labels layer.

Within placemarker description:

-image of painting of Chinese landscape

-link to kid website about Ancient China's geography

Details of image overlay / path / polygon:Image overlays will be used to outline the regions of Mesopotamia, Olmec, and Egypt.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Storyboard Image & TPACK Questions

I'm doing a 6th grade-level documentary on becoming a rock climber. Here is my storyboard:

And here are my TPACK answers:

What is the content you’ll be using in your lesson?

The content is based on Utah's 6th grade Language Arts Standard 1, Objective 2, indicator 2, which involves developing language through presenting media.

What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?

My pedagogy is a mini documentary writing project on how people become rock climbers. This is an excellent fit with the content because creating a documentary involves quite a bit of language development as students become familiar with all sorts of technical jargon. They will also be presenting this media, so that also covers the indicator of Standard 1, Objective 2.

What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
I will be using PhotoStory to put together the documentary. This is a good fit with the content because it is a specific way in which the students will get to present the documentary. It also fits well with the pedagogy because many movies are based on documentaries, and students will get to have some real application of making a documentary by actually turning it into a movie.